Background story:
This was a collaborative project with Oh My Paw Photography, our client was Fruti Fruit, a brand that sells frozen fruit snacks. After creating e-commerce shots for all their products/packaging, we then were commissioned to produce a series of images with cocktails that you can make with the fruit.
I contributed with photo retouching/editing and some creative direction.
This was a collaborative project with Oh My Paw Photography, our client was Fruti Fruit, a brand that sells frozen fruit snacks. After creating e-commerce shots for all their products/packaging, we then were commissioned to produce a series of images with cocktails that you can make with the fruit.
I contributed with photo retouching/editing and some creative direction.

Alejandra Rivera Mayoral - Production/Photography
Fer Sagastume - Retouching
Alejandra Rivera Mayoral - Production/Photography
Fer Sagastume - Retouching
Assets developed:
Product photography
Product photography
Design: Camera RAW, Photoshop